Tag Archives: Federal Reserve

M2 Money Supply

The War Machine and the Federal Reserve

Give a listen to the following clips taken from the book The Creature From Jekyl Island by G. Edward Griffin. I won’t give away the plot but, bear in mind what is going on in early 2022 with regards to the Ukraine and of course previous conflicts. Each is short, about 3 – 7 minutes each.

The first audio file is a short reference for the book

1111 – ITEM Now the action has spread

1112 – The New Alchemy

1113 – Fifth Reason to Abolish

1114 – Summary


M2 Money Supply

Also see this chart ( https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL )  an image of which is presented as the featured image at the top of this post as of March 2020. Lots of fiat money being created lately by the system of creating debt by the Federal Reserve lending to the US Govt. Treasury and then effectively printing new money via the Treasury/Mint. As in, instead of the Govt. just minting money and creating it as one might expect, it is loaned to the Govt by the Federal Reserve. This gets around the Constitution which states that Congress can’t print bills of basically fiat money, bills of exchange. In theory bills should be against something, like a hard asset. It used to be that the Dollar was based on a specific amount of silver, that which is in the old silver dollars, I believe it was 371.25 grains of pure silver per dollar, based of the Spanish Dollar, so called pieces of 8, as it was worth 8 Reals. The dollar on paper was directly tied to this, since 1971 it is not tied to silver or gold and is just fiat.