Wellsburg, New York Weather Station Page

Automated Weather Data Collection using a Raspberrypi, updated hourly. Location: N 42° 00.900 W 076° 43.660 , 830 feet (253 meters)ASL

Raspberry Pi + BME280 and DHT22 = Automated Temperature, Humidity and Barometric Pressure Monitoring

Outdoor readings of temperature and humidity (DHT22 sensor). Includes derived dewpoint, daily and monthly minimum and maximum values.

Short Term Barometric Pressure, Pressure Deltas and Pressure Delta ARMA, 10 min intervals

(Bosch BME280 Sensor)

Pressure delta = Change of barometric pressure between previous and latest reading, shows which way the barometer is trending in the short term ( 10's of minutes ) and how much it is changing.
ARMA, Auto-Regressive Moving Average = A moving average of pressure deltas over time. This reveals the long term ( over several hours ) trend of the barometer, showing direction and the magnitude of it's change. The value is equal to the approximate change in barometric pressure per hour. The ARMA roughly correlates to the strength of a storm and the wind speeds that are occurring.

CRON Driven Weather Data Logging

Outdoor readings, using DHT22 sensor (Reset Daily at 6:25AM Eastern Time )

Barometeric Pressure Graph

Barometric Pressure:100ths of inches with a floor of 29 inches of mercury. ((inHg - 29)*100)

Basically, the bar graph shows a barometric pressure value in 100th's of an inch of mercury above a floor value of 29 inches. ( A reading of 67 for example would be 29.67 inHg. A reading of 123 would be 30.23 inHg ) This allows the readings to fit neatly onto the graph and with a reolution that is usable. The barometer bar graph is useful to quickly view a trend in the barometeric pressure. It is updated hourly starting at 6:25 AM Eastern Time.

Sun Times

Weather Dashboard Simple page that shows the current readings for Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point, Barometer.
History Logs History Logs of weather data readings collected daily at 6:25AM Eastern Time

Raspberrypi Server Local Links

Timelapse Videos in MP4 format

Videos captured using a webcam, Raspberrypi and the fswebcam software

Test Video of a Mechanical Mantle Clock
Video of Kombucha fermenting and SCOBY's forming 8 Frames/sec
Video of Kombucha fermenting and SCOBY's forming 4 Frames/sec
Video of Figs Fermenting 31s of 24fps video.
Video of Sauerkraut Fermenting
Video of Pumpkin Plant Sprouting 2 months of growth, 24fps
Video of Hibiscus Blooming From 12102015_1653-56 to 15102015_0224-50, 366 frames, 1 every 10 min. Video at 12fps.
Final Video of Hibiscus Blooming This is the final one, where after 4 tries, I kept the image in frame the whole time, 1 frame every 10 min. Video at 12fps.
Video of Plantain Ripening Over one month to go from green to black, video at 12fps, one frame shot every 2hrs.
Video of Daikon Radish Sprouting One month of a Daikon Radish Sprouting from a cutting, video at 12fps, one frame shot per hour.
Video of Carrot Sprouting 1 month of growth,1 shot/hr, 12fps = 60 seconds of video
Video of Clock Time Drift 1 Frame Per Hour, 1M file. Shows the time drift of a quartz wall clock relative to NTP time.


Erick's Public Files
Code Repository Software related to the Raspberrypi that collects the weather data for this site.

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Raspberry Pi Picture

Raspberry Pi Server Picture

This is the computer that collects the weather data and provides it on this website. It is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and uses about 4 watts of energy. It uses a DHT22 sensor to collect outdoor temperature and humidity data and a Bosch BME280 sensor to collect barometer data along with the room temperature and humidity for the room that it is located in.

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