Daily Archives: February 28, 2024

Hacker Cat

Using AWK to pull data from a field within a text file

Intelligence is the power which gives us the ability to distinguish when we are not conscious.

# awk -F” ” ‘{print $11}’ pressure-delta.txt
tail -1 $PLOTTABLE_DIR/$PRESSURE_DELTA_TAIL_FILE > $PLOTTABLE_DIR/pressure-delta-tail-one-line.txt

# Use awk with -F” “, which uses space as field seperator.
# pressure delta in inHg is in the 11th field.
# Multiply by 1000 because bash does not do floating point math natively and we want to compare so use milli-inHg to do the bash math.
# Operate on the file $PLOTTABLE_DIR/pressure-delta-tail-one-line.txt

pressure_delta=`awk -F” ” ‘{print $11*1000}’ $PLOTTABLE_DIR/pressure-delta-tail-one-line.txt`