Daily Archives: September 16, 2023



The best way to understand a thing is to try to comprehend it.

I ran John Callendar’s guestbook.cgi on one of my servers. It wasn’t a very popular location on the web and the guestbook did not get abused fortunately! It would be very easy for comment spammers, trollers and the like to have a field day with it.
One thing I did to keep an eye on it and see if it got posted to was a script in /etc/cron.weekly to check for updates of the guestbook. It was located on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberian.
The script requires that ssmtp or some mail program is installed.



# Checks to see if the Guestbook has been written to in the past week.
 # Sends out notification if it has been written to.
 find /usr/lib/cgi-bin/guestbookrev.txt -mtime -7 -exec mail -s "Guestbook Updated" myemail@myisp.net \;

The trick is in the find command where the option -mtime -7 means check to see if the file have been has a modification time of less than 7 days, if so, then execute via the -exec option, whatever comes next on the command line until the \;

Subject line

The mail command mails only a subject line of “Guestbook Updated”. It would be possible to have something in the body and even “cat” the guestbook in to send it in the email.

Auto de Spam

If the guestbook got abused by a spammer or something nasty it might be possible to run a script that would periodically do a cleanup on the file via a search and replace. Using a list of blacklisted words to search on and then replace them with a null character or space.

Reverse Order in Guestbook

It is possible to flip the posts on the guestbook as well if you want them ordered in the opposite order, Last In On Top versus the default of First In On Top. This is done by using…

 pop @all_entries instead of shift @all_entries

…in the code.

More on CGI and Perl

If you are new to CGI and/or Perl scripts be sure to check out John Callender’s tutorial that covers the workings of guestbook.cgi.