Once and a while I will benchmark a PC that I happen to get my hands on. I tested a laptop with a Gen 3 i5 and compared it to my desktop with has 2 Gen 2 i5….
erick@OptiPlex-790 ~/factor $ tail i5-3340M@3200Mhz-bmark.txt Calculations Completed! Time: 9 seconds Factor: Finished in about 10.000000 seconds. Pi: Finished in about 9.000000 seconds. Factor to Pi Ratio 1.111111 erick@OptiPlex-790 ~/factor $ tail i5-2500@3700.txt Calculations Completed! Time: 9 seconds Factor: Finished in about 10.000000 seconds. Pi: Finished in about 9.000000 seconds. Factor to Pi Ratio 1.111111
It looks like a Generation 2 i5 running at 3700MHz can run calculations at the same rate as a Generation 3 i5 at 3200MHz. The benchmark is both a pi calculation and a factoring calculation. The ratios will vary from processor to processor sometimes. Especially across old -vs- new ones. But these seem to line up.
It looks like the raw speed difference for a given clock speed, 3700/3200 = 1.15625x faster. In other words, the Gen 2 has to be running 1.15625x faster on the clock to get the same speeds.
Note: The MHz values are running one core at turbo speed.
The code is something that I patched together. I wrote the factoring part years ago to run under MS-DOS and ported it to compile under GCC. I made it at a time that I was toying around with extracting factors of numbers and was an exercise in making speed efficient code. I always had some spare moments while waiting for other compiles to happen. At the time I was working on embedded code in industry, these compiles could take a few minutes with each change and up to 20 minutes when doing a scratch build. This is on machines of the Pentium 2 -4 era. When writing embedded code and compiling there were plenty of slices of time to experiment with other code.
The Pi part I snagged off the web a long time ago, not sure where, or I would reference it here. It is interesting to see how the speeds will vary between the Pi and Factor parts, therefore I compute a ratio of them. I fiddled with the constants so that the time that both parts run is about 10 seconds and around a 1:1 ratio on my current desktop i5@3300Mhz. Essentially the desktop is the reference normal against which I am comparing other machines.
#include <stdio.h> #include <float.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> unsigned int x; unsigned int f = 0, stopn = 100000, maxFactor = 0; //4294967295 time_t curtime; FILE *fp; long secstart, usecstart; long kf, ks; long *mf, *ms; long cnt, n, temp, nd; long i; long col, col1; long loc, stor[40]; int main(void) { float factor_time; float pi_time; float ratio; factor_time = factor(); pi_time = pi(); ratio = factor_time / pi_time; printf("\n\nFactor: Finished in about %f seconds. \n", factor_time); printf("Pi: Finished in about %f seconds. \n", pi_time); printf("\n\nFactor to Pi Ratio %f \n",ratio ); } int factor(void) { unsigned int i = 1; unsigned int n; time_t start, stop; clock_t ticks; long count; //scanf("%s",fname); //scanf("%i",stopn); //fopen("temp.txt","w"); //stopn = argv[i]; // Mark off the start time for the program. time(&start); for(n = 1;n < stopn;n++) { #if 1 // Inner loop, Walk through all values of numbers up to 1 more than the middle number. for(x = 2;x < (n/2)+1;x++) { // Found a factor incriment f // if((n/x) - (int)(n/x) == 0) if(n%x == 0) { f++; } } #endif //fprintf(fp,"%i %i \n",n,f); // If the value of the factor f is larger than the largest factor found, mark the occurance. if(f > maxFactor) { printf("%i\t %i\t",n,f); maxFactor = f; // Get Current Time, print it out. time(&curtime); printf("%s", ctime(&curtime)); } // Reset the factor count for the next outer loop. f = 0; } // Mark the stop time of the program. time(&stop); // How long did the program run and how much CPU time did it use. // printf("Used %0.2f seconds of CPU time. \n", (double)ticks/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Finished in about %.0f seconds. \n", difftime(stop, start)); return(difftime(stop, start)); } void shift(long *l1, long *l2, long lp, long lmod) { long k; k = ((*l2) > 0 ? (*l2) / lmod: -(-(*l2) / lmod) - 1); *l2 -= k * lmod; *l1 += k * lp; } void yprint(long m) { if (cnt<n) { if (++col == 11) { col = 1; if (++col1 == 6) { col1 = 0; printf("\n"); printf("%4ld",m%10); } else printf("%3ld",m%10); } else printf("%ld",m); cnt++; } } void xprint(long m) { long ii, wk, wk1; if (m < 8) { for (ii = 1; ii <= loc; ) yprint(stor[(int)(ii++)]); loc = 0; } else { if (m > 9) { wk = m / 10; m %= 10; for (wk1 = loc; wk1 >= 1; wk1--) { wk += stor[(int)wk1]; stor[(int)wk1] = wk % 10; wk /= 10; } } } stor[(int)(++loc)] = m; } void memerr(int errno) { printf("\a\nOut of memory error #%d\n", errno); if (2 == errno) free(mf); _exit(2); } int pi(void) { int i=0; char *endp; stor[i++] = 0; n = 22000; mf = malloc((size_t)(n + 3L)*(size_t)sizeof(long)); if (!mf) memerr(1); ms = malloc((size_t)(n + 3L)*(size_t)sizeof(long)); if (!ms) memerr(2); printf("\nApproximation of PI to %ld digits\n", (long)n); struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); secstart=tv.tv_sec; usecstart=tv.tv_usec; cnt = 0; kf = 25; ks = 57121L; mf[1] = 1L; for (i = 2; i <= (int)n; i += 2) { mf[i] = -16L; mf[i+1] = 16L; } for (i = 1; i <= (int)n; i += 2) { ms[i] = -4L; ms[i+1] = 4L; } printf("\n 3."); while (cnt < n) { for (i = 0; ++i <= (int)n - (int)cnt; ) { mf[i] *= 10L; ms[i] *= 10L; } for (i =(int)(n - cnt + 1); --i >= 2; ) { temp = 2 * i - 1; shift(&mf[i - 1], &mf[i], temp - 2, temp * kf); shift(&ms[i - 1], &ms[i], temp - 2, temp * ks); } nd = 0; shift((long *)&nd, &mf[1], 1L, 5L); shift((long *)&nd, &ms[1], 1L, 239L); xprint(nd); } printf("\n\nCalculations Completed!\n"); gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); printf("Time: %ld seconds\n",tv.tv_sec-secstart); free(ms); free(mf); return(tv.tv_sec-secstart); }