I am a hidden page

This is an example of a page that has been hidden from the normal menu structure but, still works fine. This was achieve by using…

 wget -x -nH http://erick.heart-centered-living.org/hidden/i-am-a-hidden-page/

The only caveat is that once the page is one that is downloaded by wget, it is read only’ish. It can still be edited by touching the HTML. The best way to update it would be to edit the draft/under review/private version and then republish and then use wget on it over again.

Set to Draft or Private

The page that was published at http://erick.heart-centered-living.org/i-am-a-hidden-page/ once “unpublished” by setting to draft, private or under review is gone.


I am a hidden page

Just to show that the content stays intact

They keep trying to sell to me what I don’t need or want to buy…
