Tag Archives: Apache



Future development depends on the determination of future generations to contribute towards building their own society.

Pastepile is a fork of guestbook.cgi – a simple guestbook script, written by John Callender in 1999. It is the last part of his Beginner’s Guide to CGI Scripting with Perl, Running a Guestbook.
This new version, a.k.a Pastepile, is a dirt simple Perl CGI program that creates a blog like pasting tool to be able to paste notes online or on a local server. Allows grabbing snippets of text or code for later use on whether on the local machine or another on the network. I made it sometime after studying John Callender’s tutorial when I was digging into learning about CGI and Perl several years ago.


Pastepile originated as a way to paste snippets of code and write short notes on configuration changes that I make on servers, including a Raspberry Pi that I run. The only requirement is the installation of a web server such as Apache. This little Pastepile tool made it easy to keep track of information related to the servers in one place  and search-able via a browser. After using it in the is mode for a while, I cloned it and started to use it as a general place to paste info and write short notes. This makes it easy to save something while on one machine on the network and be able to retrieve it later on that machine or another.

Example of What it Looks Like

Subject: Running a form-to-email gateway at 19:04:44, Sat Feb 3, 2018 from


Subject: Slackware Linux Essentials at 12:10:03, Thu Feb 1, 2018 from


Additions:Remote Address,Time,Reversed Order

Besides stripping down guestbook.cgi to remove code specifc to it’s guestbook function and cleaning up the code to reflect it’s new use, three functional code changes were made. One is to add a timestamp to keep track of when the entry was created. Another change made was showing the IP of the machine the post originates from by reading the environment variable $REMOTE_ADDR to keep track of where the post originates from. Many machines on my network have static IP’s so this is handy for me at least. The final change was to reverse the order of the listing. In guestbook.cgi a First In On Top ordering is the layout of the guestbook posts. For Pastepile I reversed it so the most recent and not the oldest post is on top of the list, Last In On Top ordering. This made sense as the most recently written notes are more likely to be important and I want those to be close to the top of the pile and let the file get long with the aging information at the bottom.


For ease of access via a shorter link a simple index.html redirector page was place in /var/www/p/, following a 4chan-esqe style of folder naming and a nice short link to get to the pastepile.cgi script, which lives in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ directory. The /p/ directory also holds the pastepile.html file that is created by pastepile.cgi as it’s data page.

 Redirector Example for /var/www/p/index.html

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=''"/>
<p><a href="">Redirect</a></p>



A helper script called pastepile-file-mover.sh, moves the pastepile.html, the data file created by pastepile.cgi from it’s default location to a date stamped file in a location set in the script BASEDIR/dir/filename. Where BASEDIR is your choice ( I use /var/www/p/), dir is the current year and filename is YYYYMMDD.html, so that that there is a  year and date hierarchy. I allow this script to run at the start of the month via root CRON to “clean” out the Pastepile and archive the old one, much the same way that log are rotated.

0 0 1 * * /home/erick/bin/pastepile-file-mover.sh



# Move the pastepile.html file from it's default location to a date stamped
# file in a location BASEDIR/dir/filename
# So that it has year and date heirarchy

# For now, Monthly, Move pastepile over to year dir and datestamped HTML file
#0 0 1 * * /home/erick/bin/pastepile-file-mover.sh

# Testing

dir=$(date +"%Y")
#echo $dir

#File name timestamped
filename=$(date +"%Y%m%d").html
#echo $filename

# Make the YEAR dir if it dow not exist.
if [ ! -d "$BASEDIR/$dir" ]; then
  # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist.
  mkdir $BASEDIR/$dir

# Do the move to the YEAR directory with the YYYYMMDD.html filename.
mv $BASEDIR/pastepile.html $BASEDIR/$dir/$filename

# This is needed make a new pastepile.html and chmod 666
# else pastepile.cgi does not work, it can't make it's own output file.
touch $BASEDIR/pastepile.html
chmod 666 $BASEDIR/pastepile.html

Last but not least pastepile.cgi

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

# pastepile.cgi a fork of...
# guestbook.cgi - a simple guestbook script

# This program is copyright 1999 by John Callender.

# This program is free and open software. You may use, copy, modify,
# distribute and sell this program (and any modified variants) in any way
# you wish, provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.

# pastepile.cgi - guestbook.cgi, modded to become # a pastepile program. Erick Clasen Jan 25,2018
# This new version is a dirt simple CGI program that creates a blog like
# pasting tool to be able to paste notes online or on a local server.
# allows grabbing snippets of text or code for later use on whether
# on the local machine or another on the network.

$data_file = '/var/www/p/pastepile.html';

$max_entries = 0; # how many guestbook entries to save?
                   # set to '0' (zero) for infinite entries...

use CGI;
use Fcntl;
$query = new CGI;

unless ($action = $query->param('action')) {
    $action = 'none';

print <<"EndOfText";
Content-type: text/html

<TITLE>Raspberry Pi Server Paste Pile</TITLE>
<H1>Raspberry Pi Server Paste Pile</H1> 

<A HREF="../status/index.html">Back to Status Index</A>&nbsp;
<A HREF="../p/2018">2018 Paste Archive</A>

<P>You can <A HREF="#form">add your own subject and entry</A> using the form at the bottom of the page. Here we is has your pastes...</P>


# Input action to add a new entry. ----------------------
if ($action eq 'Add entry') {

    # process the form submission
    # and assemble the guestbook entry

    # Input the subect and the paste which is called a comment here in this code.
    $subject = $query->param('subject');

    $comment = $query->param('comment');

    # clean up and fiddle with $subject
 unless ($subject) {
        $subject = 'No Subject';
   if (length($subject) > 50) {
        $subject = 'Subject line too long >50 chars';
# End Input action to add a new entry. ----------------------


    # Add a time stamp, put in variable theTime. This allows the paste to be timestamped.
    @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
    @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
    @digits = qw(00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 59);
    ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek) = localtime();
    $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
    $theTime = "$digits[$hour]:$digits[$minute]:$digits[$second], $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";

    # untaint variable
    unless ($theTime =~ /^([^<]*)$/) {
        die "couldn't untaint name: $theTime\n";
    $theTime = $1;


    # clean up and fiddle with $subject--------------------------------

    $subject_clean = "$subject";
    $subject_clean =~ s/, , /, /;        # remove duplicate ', '
    $subject_clean =~ s/^, //;           # remove initial ', '
    $subject_clean =~ s/, $//;           # remove final ', '
    if ($subject_clean =~ /^[,\s]+$/) {
        # nothing but commas and whitespace
        $subject_clean = 'Subject format wrong!!';
    if (length($subject_clean) > 75) {
        $subject_clean = 'Subject too long.';

    # disable HTML tags
    $subject_clean =~ s/</&lt;/g;

    # untaint variable
    unless ($subject_clean =~ /^([^<]*)$/) {
        die "couldn't untaint subject_clean: $subject_clean\n";
    $subject_clean = $1;


    # clean up and fiddle with $comment----------------------------

    if (length($comment) > 32768) {
        $comment = '...overloaded blog buffer chars > 32768.';
    unless ($comment) {
        $comment = '...nothing to speak of.';

    # fix line-endings
    $comment =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;

    # lose HTML tags
    $comment =~ s/</&lt;/g;

    # untaint variable
    unless ($comment =~ /^([^<]*)$/) {
        die "couldn't untaint comment: $comment\n";
    $comment = $1;
    # end cleanup #comment-----------------------------------------


    # assemble finished guestbook entry -- anything after this line until EndofText will show in the post!!!!!

    # Enviroment variable for REMOTE_ADDR is grabbed and printed directly. No untainting, but probably safe to do.

    $entry = <<"EndOfText";

<P><STRONG> Subject: $subject_clean </STRONG> at <EM>$theTime </EM> from <EM>$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} </EM> <BR>

    # open non-destructively, read old entries, write out new
   $all_entries .= $entry;
    sysopen(ENTRIES, "$data_file", O_RDWR)
                             or die "can't open $data_file: $!";
    flock(ENTRIES, 2)        or die "can't LOCK_EX $data_file: $!";
    while(<ENTRIES>) {
        $all_entries .= $_;

 if ($max_entries) {

          # lop the tail off the guestbook, if necessary

          @all_entries = split(/<HR>/i, $all_entries);
          $entry_count = @all_entries - 1;

          while ($entry_count > $max_entries) {
              pop @all_entries;
              $entry_count = @all_entries - 1;

          $all_entries = join('<HR>', @all_entries);



    # now write out to $data_file

    seek(ENTRIES, 0, 0)        or die "can't rewind $data_file: $!";
    truncate(ENTRIES, 0)       or die "can't truncate $data_file: $!";
    print ENTRIES $all_entries or die "can't print to $data_file: $!";
    close(ENTRIES)             or die "can't close $data_file: $!";


# display the guestbook a.k.a pastepile.html

open (IN, "$data_file") or die "Can't open $data_file for reading: $!";
flock(IN, 1)            or die "Can't get LOCK_SH on $data_file: $!";
while (<IN>) {
close IN                or die "Can't close $data_file: $!";

# display the form    

print <<"EndOfText";
<A NAME="form"><H2>Add a comment/entry to the paste pile (no HTML):</H2></A>

<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="pastepile.cgi">

<TD ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Subject: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="subject" SIZE=30></TD>

<TD ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Entry :</STRONG></TD>
<TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=5 COLS=30 WRAP="virtual"></TEXTAREA>

<TD> </TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="action" VALUE="Add entry"></TD>



Getting CGI and Perl scripts up and running on Minimal Ubuntu

I was trying, again to get this up and running. I have a piece of code notestack-example.cgi that uses Perl and the Perl Module for CGI. I had this working after fiddling with it the first time I flashed the SD card that I set up for a Pine 64 that was set up with minimal Ubuntu Xenial.

The problem is I wrote down only sketchy instructions and had to re-figure it out. After flashing another card, the first one had a slow moving corruption that would cause the machine to halt after a while, I got more clear with the process.

I have posted it here for myself, if I get stuck again and for anyone else who might need to know the process, if they get stuck. It is a rough outline. I copied what commands I issued from the history and added comments and some test code that I had on a RaspberryPi which has been running the notestack-example.cgi among other items for years so that was my baseline.

Outline getting CGI and Perl running for Apache

In this outline it is assumed that Apache2 is installed and configured.

Optional: To make it easier to get to the cgi directory from your home, create a symlink in the user home directory to be able to move into the cgi folder easier.

ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin cgi

Enable CGI support for Apache…
sudo a2enmod cgi

modify /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Putting in the code that enables cgi in the Apache config file for sites, this was take from the Raspberrypi and added into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
it was put right above the </VirtualHost> line.

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory “/usr/lib/cgi-bin”>
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Test with a simple BASH CGI script

Use the following code as printenv.cgi to test basic CGI with a bash script.
in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory.
#!/bin/bash -f
echo “Content-type: text/html”
echo “”
echo “<PRE>”
env || printenv
echo “</PRE>”
exit 0

test with…
which needs to be 755 (+x) permissions. This file is from the RPI, was used years ago to test it out.

sudo nano printenv.cgi
sudo chmod +x printenv.cgi
If all is well this will also be accessible from the web…
curl http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.cgi

curl is installed in the minimal build.

If you are using this on your own intranet OK, if this machine is accessible from the web get rid of printenv.cgi so the whole world can’t see the output if it gets found.


Test Perl

Test Perl scripts, normally Perl is installed even in the minimal Ubuntu build. It’s
presence can be tested for by using ‘which perl‘.
Use the following code as perl-test.cgi
in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory.
print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
print “Hello CGI\n”;

sudo nano perl-test.cgi
 sudo chmod 755 perl-test.cgi

Does it work via Apache?
  curl http://localhost/cgi-bin/perl-test.cgi

Perl CGI Module

Get Perl scripts (Any Perl code that uses CGI.pm in it) running and web accessible, ones that require the CGI Perl Module…

Got ERROR #1,missing CGI.pm, followed by #2 complained about a missing Util.pm, see below.

Got this error when the Perl Module was missing got a similar error after installing PM, complaint about missing CGI/Util.pm
ERROR 1 and 2
Can’t locate CGI.pm in @INC (you may need to install the CGI module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/$
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.
Grabbed the CGI.pm and Util.pm from my Raspberry Pi by searching for them….

sudo find / -name CGI.pm

sudo find / -name Util.pm

and copying using rcp to/tmp on the board I was setting up, a Pine 64 in this case.

rcp /usr/share/perl/5.14.2/CGI.pm ubuntu@
rcp /usr/share/perl/5.14.2/CGI/Util.pm ubuntu@

The code I was trying to run, the goal of all this work was a script named notestack-example.cgi.
sudo cp /tmp/CGI.pm /etc/perl
./notestack-example.cgi      <— Got ERROR #1
sudo cp /tmp/Util.pm /etc/perl/
./notestack-example.cgi      <— Got ERROR #2
sudo mkdir /etc/perl/CGI
sudo mv /etc/perl/Util.pm /etc/perl/CGI

Final error ERROR 3

Can’t use ‘defined(@array)’ (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at /etc/perl/CGI.pm line 528.
Compilation failed in require at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.

This one requires removing defined as this is old and not compatible with the current version of Perl.
Just removed the defined on line 528…

ubuntu@pine64:~$ diff /etc/perl/CGI.pm /tmp/CGI.pm
< if (@QUERY_PARAM && !$initializer) {

> if (defined(@QUERY_PARAM) && !defined($initializer)) {

Learned about this trick about removing the ‘defined‘ from…

Raspberry Pi

Reduce writes to the Raspberry Pi SD card

After 5 months of solid up-time for my Raspberry Pi server, which has been running great. It has been taking a picture every hour and from them creating a creating a timelapse video every day. Also it is being used as a place to drop files to periodically from other place on the network, a little bit of file storage. Eventually I will add more storage space to it to use it even more for network storage.

Recently, I started to think about the potential wear of the SD card as I came across several articles online dealing with the topic. I decided to make a few changes to the Raspberry Pi configuration to reduce the amount of writing to the SD card.

Write Saving #1: Using a tmpfs

I editted /etc/default/tmpfs. In it the comments state  that /run, /run/lock and /run/shm are already mounted as tmpfs on the Pi by default. Which I have observed. This was a change made a while ago for the Pi according to the buzz online. I additionally set RAMTMP=Yes to add /tmp to the directories put on the tmpfs. This sets up access to /tmp with rwx-rwx-rwx permissions. There was a suggestion that I saw online to limit the sizes of the various directories, I added that as well.

# These were recommended by http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/169/how-can-i-extend-the-life-of-my-sd-card
# 07262015, mods for using less of the SD card, RAM optimization.

The OS and some programs will use /tmp. But so do I. I created a /tmp/web folder under it when the Raspberry Pi boots. Into this folder files go such as the hourly photo and the daily video that scripts create for the webcam that is attached. I have reduced 3 hourly writes to just one photo. I keep only one on the SD card as I don’t want to risk losing a bunch of them taken during the day if I totally relied on the tmpfs. If I was using a UPS, I would have no problem saving all of them on the tmpfs and occasionally backing up to the SD or another device. The big saver is the daily timelapse.avi for the web that is created daily from all of the hourly captured photos. It is many megs in size gets written daily and it doesn’t matter if I lose it. It can be recreated from the photos at will. So it is the perfect kind of file to throw on a RAM file system.

I also store the hourly and daily logs that I create using the cron driven logcreate script that I run. The logcreate script creates an hourly log that is concatenated into a daily log on the tmpfs then every day the daily log will concatenate into a full log, that is rotated, on the SD card, so I have a permanent record. Need to put the link for this here!

What is a tmpfs?

It is a RAM Disk, a.k.a. RAM Drive that allows RAM to be used as a hard drive. Obviously when the power goes out, it goes away. So we don’t want anything important to go there. But for things like files that I make such as the hourly photos that my Web Cam takes and the video it makes daily and logs, it is perfectly fine for usage. It is not a really big deal if the power went out and I lost this information as it will be recreated shortly anyways.


The only issue that I see with having logs on a tmpfs would be a situation where the Pi got in a state of weirdness where it started rebooting itself and then you had no logs to track down the problem. Then I suppose, it would be just a matter of changing the /etc/fstab file to revert to putting the logs back onto the SD card for a while to track down the problem. But, for a Raspberry Pi like mine that is running stable and I am not doing many experiments with right now, having the logs in volatile memory is not something I worry about. Plus it is easy to make a script to backup the logs to the SD card or another computer, if you manually reboot it, so you can save them if you like when you have control of the reboots.

Write Saving #2: Turning off swap

If the Raspberry Pi runs out of RAM, not likely if it is a server set up for light duty usage, it will start to use swap which is on the SD card, causing writes to the swap file. Mine rarely touches swap. I would rather tune the thing for better memory use than have it use swap.

It is possible to turn off swap usage using the command…

sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff

This is not persistant and needs to be done on every boot. It could be put into the root crontab by editting it using sudo crontab -e and adding the line. Or creating a script for it along with other items that are to be run at startup.

@boot dphys-swapfile swapoff

Online, people said that there was another way to turn it off by reducing the swap file size to zero, a config file for swap, can’t remember the name. But it is claimed that when it reboots it just overrides that and makes a default 100M swap file.

Write Saving #3: Moving /var/log to a tmpfs

One of the biggest offenders as far as writing to files periodically is the logs that live under /var/log and it’s sub-directories. You can create an entry in /etc/fstab that will create a tmpfs for /var/log. The only caution here is daemons, like Apache that require a directory to exist under /var/log or else they will not start. Apt also has a directory under /var/log, but it creates itself when apt runs for the first time so that is no problem. The apt directory has logs that keep track of what apt installs or uninstalls, good info to know about. News seems to work fine creating a directory for itself too. So for me only Apache is a problem.

  1.  Put an entry in /etc/fstab…
     tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=0755 0 0
  2.  Found out that news and apt folders create themselves when these things run.
  3. Apache is the one thing that does not like a missing folder so made a Kludge for now using ~/bin/setup-tmp.sh where I create /var/log/apache2 and chmod it 750. Then I restart apache using apachehup.sh, which just restarts it. Apache was failing to load when I pointed the log dir to /tmp in /etc/apache2/envvars under the export APACHE_LOG_DIR directive.

Write Saving #4: noatime

As you can see above one of the options used in the /etc/fstab file is the noatime option. By default the Raspberry Pi uses this option for the mount of the SD card. If you add mount points of your own to the card, make sure noatime is used. Without it Linux makes a small write each time a file is read to keep track of when it was last accessed, this obviously causes writes. It is possible to use it for the writes to the tmpfs as I am doing above. It saves a bit of time as the system does not have to do a write when a file is just being read.

Another good use of noatime is for drives connected across the network. For example on NFS mounts noatime is a really good choice. The network is generally slower than devices attached to a PC and having to send a write across every time a file is read, slows things down a bit when moving many files.


Been running this setup with the RAM savings for a few months now with no problems. I hardly ever see the ACT light blinking on the Pi anymore.


The LEDs have the following meanings :

  • ACT – D5 (Green) – SD Card Access
  • PWR – D6 (Red) – 3.3 V Power is present
  • FDX – D7 (Green) – Full Duplex (LAN) connected
  • LNK – D8(Green) – Link/Activity (LAN)
  • 100 – D9(Yellow) – 100Mbit (LAN) connected

From http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2013/02/raspberry-pi-status-leds-explained/

Automatic Server Status Page Creation Update

In January 2015 I created a post about automatically creating a status page for a Linux server that I have. Typically this is put under a restricted directory and allows you to see a snapshot of what is happening with the server. I run it by putting the scripts in the /etc/cron.hourly directory on a Linux PC and a Raspberry Pi running Linux.

It serves as a simple way to check up on the server without having to use a tool such as Webmin that requires a login. It also keeps a trail of log files that get rotated on a monthly basis, so there is always a few old ones around to track down any problems and patterns in the operation.

I have found this information useful when I have traced down malfunctions that can occur when setting up a server and also when I was trying to get a webcam up and running and had the USB bus hang up a few times when the cam was overloaded with too much light.

In the new script file I fixed a bug by adding parenthesis around a line that I was trying to echo and I added code to run the w command to show a quick picture on who is logged in, how long the server has been up and running and the values for the average load on the server at the 1, 5 and 15 minute marks.

Logcreate Script

# Remove old log
rm /var/www/status/log.txt
# Print logged outputs into new log.txt
date >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
tail /var/log/syslog >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
free >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
df -h >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Top memory using processes http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3/display-the-top-ten-running-processes-sorted-by-memory-usage
#ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail >> log.txt
echo "USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND" >> /var/www/status/log.txt
ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Logged in User info using w command
w >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Copy log.txt into the full log that is collected
cat /var/www/status/log.txt >> /var/www/status/fulllog.txt
# Create a free standind copy of the process tree
pstree > /var/www/status/pstree.txt

Alternate Version

I also created a version of the script for a desktop Linux PC that does not have Apache installed.  In it I use a DIR variable to contain the directory that I want the log.txt file stored.


# User defined variables
# No trailing / on DIR!

# Remove old log
rm $DIR/log.txt
# Print logged outputs into new log.txt
date >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
tail /var/log/syslog >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
free >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
df -h >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Top memory using processes http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3/display-the-top-ten-running-processes-sorted-by-memory-usage
#ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail >> log.txt
echo "USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND" >> $DIR/log.txt
ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Logged in User info using w command
w >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Copy log.txt into the full log that is collected
cat $DIR/log.txt >> $DIR/fulllog.txt
# Create a free standing copy of the process tree
pstree > $DIR/pstree.txt

Rotation of Log

In the /etc/cron.monthly directory I have created a file that is called status-log-rotate and it will save backup copies of 2 months worth of the full concatenated server status logs.

#! /bin/bash
mv $DIR/fulllog.txt.1 $DIR/fulllog.txt.2
mv $DIR/fulllog.txt $DIR/fulllog.txt.1

Tweaks for Raspberry Pi

For the Raspberry Pi which has an SD card that I am trying to be conscious of writing to often. I have recently made some modifications to put the /tmp folder onto RAM using tmpfs. I create the hourly log underneath a folder there. Daily via a script it cron.hourly it gets concatenated into a daily log which is under a status folder that has restricted access. This gets appended once per day to the fulllog which actually lives on the SD card. The end result, no multiple hourly writes to the log file, just one append to the full log per day. The only downside is if the power drops and then some log entries will be lost for the day.

Logcreate runs from /etc/cron.hourly for Raspberry Pi

# Set DIR, on Pi this is a temp location for log

# Set fixed DIR FIXDIR for files that have to be stored on SD card
# Nevermind, just make a daily log and then copy that to the full log daily.

# Remove old log

rm $DIR/log.txt
# Print logged outputs into new log.txt
date >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
tail /var/log/syslog >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
free >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
df -h >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Top memory using processes http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3/display-the-top-ten-running-processes-sorted-by-memory-usage
echo "USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND" >> $DIR/log.txt

ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Logged in User info using w command
w >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
echo >> $DIR/log.txt
# Copy log.txt into the full log that is collected
cat $DIR/log.txt >> $DIR/dailylog.txt
# Create a free standing copy of the process tree
pstree > $DIR/pstree.txt

dailylog-to-fulllog script, runs from /etc/cron.daily

#! /bin/bash


echo "----------------------------------------------" >> $DIR/dailylog.txt
date >> $DIR/dailylog.txt
echo "----------------------------------------------" >> $DIR/dailylog.txt
cat $DIR/dailylog.txt >> $FIXDIR/fulllog.txt
rm $DIR/dailylog.txt

Logcreate Output from Raspberry Pi

Below is what the logcreate script will output to the log.txt file on a Raspberry Pi that I have running as a web server.

Sun Jul 12 14:17:01 EDT 2015

Jul 12 13:47:51 raspberrypi dhclient: DHCPACK from
Jul 12 13:47:52 raspberrypi dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 40673 seconds.
Jul 12 13:59:01 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28010]: (erick) CMD (aplay /opt/sonic-pi/etc/samples/guit_e_fifths.wav)
Jul 12 13:59:07 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28009]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Jul 12 14:00:01 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28013]: (erick) CMD (/home/erick/fswebcam/cron-timelapse.sh >> timelapse.log)
Jul 12 14:00:23 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28012]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Jul 12 14:01:01 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28022]: (root) CMD (/home/erick/bin/usbreset /dev/bus/usb/001/004)
Jul 12 14:01:02 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28021]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Jul 12 14:09:01 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28053]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))
Jul 12 14:17:01 raspberrypi /USR/SBIN/CRON[28064]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        445804     424488      21316          0     106768     260516
-/+ buffers/cache:      57204     388600
Swap:       102396          0     102396

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs          6.3G  3.1G  3.0G  51% /
/dev/root       6.3G  3.1G  3.0G  51% /
devtmpfs        214M     0  214M   0% /dev
tmpfs            44M  240K   44M   1% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  8.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs            88M     0   88M   0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p5   60M   19M   41M  32% /boot

root      2071  0.0  3.0  24896 13652 ?        Ss   Jun28   2:24 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27745  0.0  1.5  25412  7084 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27744  0.0  1.5  24960  6760 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27743  0.0  1.5  25428  7116 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27742  0.0  1.5  25396  7036 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27538  0.0  1.5  25396  7032 ?        S    06:25   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27502  0.0  1.5  25404  7036 ?        S    06:25   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27501  0.0  1.5  25396  7044 ?        S    06:25   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27747  0.0  1.3  24936  6188 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 27746  0.0  1.3  24936  6188 ?        S    09:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

 14:17:02 up 14 days, 12:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
erick    pts/0      14:04   10:39   1.70s  1.70s -bash

Simple WebDAV

WebDAV, the DAV stands for Distributed Authoring and Version. In its simplest form would be a folder that can be accessed from the web that has a username and password to keep the content locked. There are two versions basically, plain and SSL which is secure in that the data that flows in and out of the folder is encrypted as it moves through the web. In this post I am covering the simple non-SSL form for starters.

This post assumes that Apache is installed, if you need to install it do…

sudo apt-get install apache2

Then load the Apache modules for DAV…

sudo a2enmod dav
sudo a2enmod dav_fs

Create a folder for WebDAV

I created a directory at…


…the command…

mkdir -p /srv/homes/webdav

…will allow the folders above webdav, such as homes be created if they do not exist.

Edit the Apache default file

The WebDAV folder access is simply controlled by the sites-available/default file. To edit it run…

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Towards the bottom of the file right above the section that has the ScriptAlias for the /cgi-bin/ directory, I placed the following code…

Alias /webdav  /srv/homes/webdav
<Location /webdav>
 Options Indexes
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "webdav"
 AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/webdav.password
 Require valid-user

Adding the Password

Use the htpasswd command to add a password to a webdav.password file. it will prompt you for a password. The file will contain hashed passwords which are not readable.

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/webdav.password username

For an extra level of protection you can change ownership of the file to root with the group of www-data, so no regular users can access the file. Setting the permission to read-write for owner root and read only for the www-data group…

sudo chown root:www-data /etc/apache2/webdav.password
sudo chmod 640 /etc/apache2/webdav.password

Access the Folder

With everything setup the folder will now appear at http://your-url-here.com/webdav, you can browse to it to test it out. You will be prompted for the user-name and password created earlier in the adding the password step.

Further Potential for WebDAV

  • Setup multiple WebDAV folders.
  • Put a web folder on expanded storage on a Raspberry Pi, such as use a bind mount to point to a USB stick plugged into the Pi for extra storage space.
  • It is possible to set up WebDAV with SSL to secure it in a way that the data flowing in and out of the folder will be secured from prying eyes. With my non-SSL WebDAV folder, I don’t put anything up there that is critical or really private data.
  • It is possible to use DAV for support of calendars across devices, something I will explore in the future.
  • There is an app for the iPhone that I have tried that allows easy uploading and downloading to the WebDAV folder. It is easy to drop attachments from email and etc. to the folder for access on a PC.



WebDAV Resources


Fermented Figs Timelapse

Nothing beats combining two things that are interesting together. I’ve been into fermenting foods and beverages since the late 1990’s and have been experimenting with timelapse photography since late in 2013 ( One of the first projects I set up and Ubuntu Server for ). Combining them together has been an interesting experience lately.

Recently I bought a 50.5 Ounce glass container with a gasketed lid. I got the idea from reading The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz, a must have if you are considering getting serious about fermentation, it covers a lot of territory on the fermentation landscape. This jar is ideal for some fermentation experiments as any pressure built up in the container would vent via the gasketed lid.  A lot of times, I don’t worry about pressure build up, because I am close to home and can vent it manually. But this time I was going to be away so this jar would be good to use. I decided to try to ferment some figs in it and create a time lapse video by taking photos every 4 minutes. I ran it for a week, almost 2400 frames.

The Ferment Mixture

The figs were a bit on the hard side so they were not getting used up to much and I decided that they would be good candidates for a fermentation experiment. The fermentation was started by cutting up the figs into small bits and added some sugar water and a pinch of bread yeast. Normally I would have let them ferment naturally based on what wild yeasts are present on the fruit, but I wanted a vigorous fermentation that got going quickly in order to capture the action for the timelapse video.

Timelapse Video Setup

The setup for the timelapse video was a laptop running Ubuntu with Apache and a webcam. The program used to take the frames for the timelapse video is fswebcam ( which I cover in the post on Bread Dough Rising Timelapse GIF ). The frames were taken every four minutes and saved into a folder underneath my home directory. Additionally a frame was copied to the /var/www directory to allow it to be seen on the web. Plus, I have a symbolic link from /var/www to a directory called fswebcam under my home directory. This directory holds the scripts to run fswebcam, under this is a directory called timelapse which collects all of the frames. This allows me to flip through these from the web as well, so I can keep track of the fermentation progress.

I went away for a few days while I was running the timelapse frame capture and it was nice to be able to view it to check on the progress. To get it online, I basically added a virtual server on the router for port 80, pointing to the internal IP address of the laptop, which was hooked to the router via WiFi. This worked flawless and I was able to periodically check in on the fermentation while on the road.

Fig Fermentation Timelapse Photography Setup
Fig Fermentation Timelapse Photography Setup


Timelapse Video AVI

Fermenting Figs 1 frame every 4 minutes for 31s of video




Automatic Server Status Page Creation

On one of the servers I ran in 2013-14, I used Webmin to keep track of what was going on with the server, memory usage, drive space and so on. It was a bit overkill, I thought I would need it more than I really did.

The server I am trying this out on is resource limited, low RAM mostly, only 512MB. So I was concerned about too many processes weighing it down and was trimming RAM use for Apache, mySql and PHP. I wanted an easy way to look at what is going on with the server, web based, so putting the info on a dynamically created page seemed like the way to go.

Restricting Directory Access with Apache

I don’t want just anyone to have access to the status directory. Clever folks might gain too much insight from what is shown there, a potential hack risk. On the server the location /var/www/status is restricted. What I mean by this is that I have edited the Apache default file to restrict access by IP, as I am only accessing this from a few IP’s. Below is an example of the mod to the Apache default file. Obviously I want to allow from my local net, so that is 192.168.1 ranging from 0-255. In the default file you don’t have to list the entire IP if you want to cover a range. Additionally at the time, there were a few IP’s in the 74.67.XX.XX range so I opened that range up for testing access to. Basically you can add as many as you want. Another option would be to password protect the directory, but for now this is all I need.

To edit the Apache default file, make a backup copy first, then on Ubuntu at least…

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Example code from Apache default file to allow certain IP’s access to a directory and deny all others
<Directory /var/www/status/>
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from 192.168.1
                Allow from 74.67
        Deny from all


With this server instead of using Webmin to look at the status of the server,  I made a simple file called logcreate, ran by putting it in the cron.hourly folder and chmodding it +x! It makes a status page at /var/www/status/log.txt. Also generated is /var/www/status/fulllog.txt a concatenated version of the log.txt added to on an hourly basis. I used dash instead of bash, it’s a slight improvement in memory use when called. Don’t use an extension, cron won’t run files such as logcreate.sh.

Logcreate basically it gives you a synopsis of the servers state in text form…

  • Date and time stamp on top ( date )
  • Tail of the syslog ( tail /var/log/syslog )
  • Memory usage ( free )
  • Drive space usage ( df -h )
  • Processes sorted by RAM usage ( ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head )
  • Free standing copy of the process tree ( pstree )


The code for logcreate, the file to be placed in /etc/cron.hourly
# Remove old log
rm /var/www/status/log.txt
# Print logged outputs into new log.txt 
# Starting with date stamp
date >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Grab the tail of the syslog file
tail /var/log/syslog >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Log RAM usage
free >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Disk Usage
df -h >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Top memory using processes http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3/display-the-top-ten-running-processes-sorted-by-memory-usage
#ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail >> log.txt
#echo 'USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND ' >> log.txt
ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
echo >> /var/www/status/log.txt
# Copy log.txt into the full log that is collected from the hourly updates.
cat /var/www/status/log.txt >> /var/www/status/fulllog.txt
# Create a free standing copy of the process tree
pstree > /var/www/status/pstree.txt



Figuring out a good command to list the running processes sorted by RAM use was something I needed some help figuring out as far as the best way to do it. The link below was where I got my info from.

Top memory using processes:  http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3/display-the-top-ten-running-processes-sorted-by-memory-usage