Daily Archives: January 3, 2023

Chicken Tenders

Chicken Tenders Monetary Standard

Really? Not sure on this idea, so let’s ask ChatGPT

Could chicken tenders be used as a standard?

Chicken tenders, or strips of chicken breast that are breaded and fried, could not be used as a standard for currency or any other type of financial system.

There are several reasons why chicken tenders (or any other type of food) could not be used as a standard. One reason is that they do not have a stable value. The value of chicken tenders (or any other type of food) can fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including supply and demand, production costs, and market conditions. This makes them an unreliable store of value and an unreliable medium of exchange.

Another reason is that chicken tenders (or any other type of food) do not have a widely recognized value or a widely accepted means of exchange. Unlike fiat currencies, which are issued by governments and accepted as a means of payment in most countries, chicken tenders (or any other type of food) are not recognized as a legitimate form of payment and are not widely accepted as a medium of exchange.

Finally, chicken tenders (or any other type of food) are subject to spoilage and deterioration, which makes them a poor choice as a standard for currency or any other type of financial system.

Overall, it is not practical or feasible to use chicken tenders (or any other type of food) as a standard for currency or any other type of financial system.

Create a stable coin based on chicken tenders.

It would not be practical or feasible to create a stablecoin based on chicken tenders. While it is theoretically possible to create a stablecoin based on any type of asset, including chicken tenders, there are several reasons why it would not be practical or feasible in this case.

One reason is that chicken tenders (or any other type of food) do not have a stable value. The value of chicken tenders (or any other type of food) can fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including supply and demand, production costs, and market conditions. This makes them an unreliable store of value and an unreliable medium of exchange, which would make it difficult to maintain the stability of a stablecoin based on chicken tenders.

Another reason is that chicken tenders (or any other type of food) do not have a widely recognized value or a widely accepted means of exchange. Unlike fiat currencies, which are issued by governments and accepted as a means of payment in most countries, chicken tenders (or any other type of food) are not recognized as a legitimate form of payment and are not widely accepted as a medium of exchange. This would make it difficult for people to use a stablecoin based on chicken tenders in everyday transactions.

Finally, chicken tenders (or any other type of food) are subject to spoilage and deterioration, which would make it difficult to maintain a stablecoin based on chicken tenders over the long term.

Overall, it is not practical or feasible to create a stablecoin based on chicken tenders or any other type of food.

On a more serious note check out The Bitcoin Standard, which might actually work.

Also there are interviews ( by Jordan Peterson and Lex Fridman ) with Saifedean Ammous an Austrian economist who wrote, The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, see this post … http://erick.heart-centered-living.org/info-links/jordan-peterson-bitcoin-interview/