Monthly Archives: March 2019

The Meijin's Retirement Game 52

AlphaGo: Machine Learning and the game Go

This post is basically a list of good resources on AlphaGo and the game Go. There are many fine tutorials out there on the Internet that  I have read through to understand more about machine learning and about how AlphaGo functions. I have collected what are in my opinion some of the best out there and published them in this post.

Additionally there is (as of June 2018) an open source version of AlphaGoZero (The zero means it started from zero, as in  there was no priming with data from human played games, it is programmed with  the rules to Go and just plays against itself repeatedly) called LeelaZero which was built by following the paper published by DeepMind that covers the research and development of AlphaGoZero. It is a formidable player indeed, I can’t even get one point against the monster. As an experiment, I played it against GnuGo to see how GnuGo would fair. It still gets beat by LeelaZero  at a slower rate than I do but, is able to score some points against LeelaZero on occasion.

GnuGo versus LeelaZero

  Alpha Go how and why it works

The post by Tim Wheeler is hands down one of the clearest explanations I have seen. Tim Wheeler not only does a great job with this post, he has many other quality posts  on his site

While you are looking at Tim’s post consider viewing the Alpha Go Cheatsheet as well, keep them both open and flip between them, a great way to learn.

hi res AlphaGo Cheatsheet

Other resources

One Diagram AlphaGoZero

The Wikipedia article on Monte Carlo Tree Search is worth a skim if you are not already familiar with Monte Carlo Tree Search which is used in game playing code, both machine learning driven game algorithms and what I would call pre-machine learning types. Previous to machine learning it was successful mostly for games that have a lower branching factor such as Chess. It is also used in GnuGo in a mode that plays on a smaller than standard board (9×9 and smaller). It is probably limited to a small board by the branching factor which gets huge as the board size increases. The number of board configurations is 3^n^2, n being intersections. A 9×9 board has 10^38 and a 19×19 10^170 legal positions according to a Wikipedia article that I read.


For a good background and a brief history of machine learning, deep reinforcement learning in particular. Well worth the read…

Andrej Karpathy Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels

Hands on Exercise

There is an article on Medium that is worth a read, Teach a machine to learn Connect4 strategy through self-play and deep learning
Plus it lets you follow along and build the code to get a nice hands on experience.

LeelaZero: Basically an open source Alpha Go Zero and  uses a JAVA GUI (Lizzie) to play it

LeelaZero, the Go engine  is an easy to download and compile program, at least on Linux where I had it up and running in about 5 minutes. It uses a companion interface Lizzie written in Java for it’s GUI. LeelaZero is interesting and fun to try out. The pondering mode is cool. You hit the space bar and it ponders and shows the next moves probabilities of winning and depths of search. You can see from the 1.7%, it is beating me pretty bad after 70 moves as it is almost certain to win.

LeelaZero PonderingHovering the mouse pointer over a specific move shows projections of the next moves for both players labeled with numbers up to it’s maximum forward game play estimates.

LeelaZero Future Moves


Released Code for LeelaZero

Main LeelaZero Page

An interesting discussion on LeelaZero

  GnuGo in EMACS

GnuGo Can be played within Emacs, which is handy. This is what I did when I played GNUGo against LeelaZero. I forced LeelaZero to play black so it went first and then mirrored it’s move into the GnuGo board and GnuGo’s move back to the Lizzle/LeelaZero board. When I looked at the projects code it looks like development stopped around 2009. At the time it was a fairly good computer Go game but since then others have outpaced it’s strength. From what I recall it is in the 900 elo range for strength.

If you have Emacs installed the GUI version and GnuGo installed, then with Emacs open pressing Alt-X and entering gnugo in the Emacs command buffer will open GnuGo within Emacs. The benefits of this is that you can use the mouse or up and down arrows to play instead of entering coordinates at the command line.

General Go Resources

Getting CGI and Perl scripts up and running on Minimal Ubuntu

I was trying, again to get this up and running. I have a piece of code notestack-example.cgi that uses Perl and the Perl Module for CGI. I had this working after fiddling with it the first time I flashed the SD card that I set up for a Pine 64 that was set up with minimal Ubuntu Xenial.

The problem is I wrote down only sketchy instructions and had to re-figure it out. After flashing another card, the first one had a slow moving corruption that would cause the machine to halt after a while, I got more clear with the process.

I have posted it here for myself, if I get stuck again and for anyone else who might need to know the process, if they get stuck. It is a rough outline. I copied what commands I issued from the history and added comments and some test code that I had on a RaspberryPi which has been running the notestack-example.cgi among other items for years so that was my baseline.

Outline getting CGI and Perl running for Apache

In this outline it is assumed that Apache2 is installed and configured.

Optional: To make it easier to get to the cgi directory from your home, create a symlink in the user home directory to be able to move into the cgi folder easier.

ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin cgi

Enable CGI support for Apache…
sudo a2enmod cgi

modify /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Putting in the code that enables cgi in the Apache config file for sites, this was take from the Raspberrypi and added into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
it was put right above the </VirtualHost> line.

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory “/usr/lib/cgi-bin”>
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Test with a simple BASH CGI script

Use the following code as printenv.cgi to test basic CGI with a bash script.
in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory.
#!/bin/bash -f
echo “Content-type: text/html”
echo “”
echo “<PRE>”
env || printenv
echo “</PRE>”
exit 0

test with…
which needs to be 755 (+x) permissions. This file is from the RPI, was used years ago to test it out.

sudo nano printenv.cgi
sudo chmod +x printenv.cgi
If all is well this will also be accessible from the web…
curl http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.cgi

curl is installed in the minimal build.

If you are using this on your own intranet OK, if this machine is accessible from the web get rid of printenv.cgi so the whole world can’t see the output if it gets found.


Test Perl

Test Perl scripts, normally Perl is installed even in the minimal Ubuntu build. It’s
presence can be tested for by using ‘which perl‘.
Use the following code as perl-test.cgi
in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory.
print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
print “Hello CGI\n”;

sudo nano perl-test.cgi
 sudo chmod 755 perl-test.cgi

Does it work via Apache?
  curl http://localhost/cgi-bin/perl-test.cgi

Perl CGI Module

Get Perl scripts (Any Perl code that uses in it) running and web accessible, ones that require the CGI Perl Module…

Got ERROR #1,missing, followed by #2 complained about a missing, see below.

Got this error when the Perl Module was missing got a similar error after installing PM, complaint about missing CGI/
ERROR 1 and 2
Can’t locate in @INC (you may need to install the CGI module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/$
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.
Grabbed the and from my Raspberry Pi by searching for them….

sudo find / -name

sudo find / -name

and copying using rcp to/tmp on the board I was setting up, a Pine 64 in this case.

rcp /usr/share/perl/5.14.2/ ubuntu@
rcp /usr/share/perl/5.14.2/CGI/ ubuntu@

The code I was trying to run, the goal of all this work was a script named notestack-example.cgi.
sudo cp /tmp/ /etc/perl
./notestack-example.cgi      <— Got ERROR #1
sudo cp /tmp/ /etc/perl/
./notestack-example.cgi      <— Got ERROR #2
sudo mkdir /etc/perl/CGI
sudo mv /etc/perl/ /etc/perl/CGI

Final error ERROR 3

Can’t use ‘defined(@array)’ (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at /etc/perl/ line 528.
Compilation failed in require at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at ./notestack-example.cgi line 36.

This one requires removing defined as this is old and not compatible with the current version of Perl.
Just removed the defined on line 528…

ubuntu@pine64:~$ diff /etc/perl/ /tmp/
< if (@QUERY_PARAM && !$initializer) {

> if (defined(@QUERY_PARAM) && !defined($initializer)) {

Learned about this trick about removing the ‘defined‘ from…