Daily Archives: July 18, 2015

Bonsai Leaves

Bonsai Comes Back to Life

I had a Bonsai tree that was neglected at times over the winter when we were away from home. It was not getting enough water, dried out and lost all of it’s leaves. I had a few other plants die off but most of them are easily replaced from commonly obtainable seeds. This Bonsai however was a plant that I had for about 10 years and it was disappointing to lose it.

Bonsai ready to be junked
Bonsai ready to be junked

In early May, I pulled it out of it’s pot and put it on a pile to be discarded. Luckily the place where it was put was in the shade. Plus this year (2015) we have received an exceptional amount of rain through June, more than double the average. All of this helped to keep it alive at some low level, even without soil.

It lives for 2 months, no soil, no care.
It lives for 2 months, no soil, no care.

In mid-July, it started to get a few little green leaves on it. What a miracle, it had some life left in it after all! Now it is back in the pot and I will eventually see how many branches are alive.

Rescued Bonsai
Rescued Bonsai

This is the second plant that has come back from the dead this year, the Bonsai along with a Ginko Biloba Tree that came back from the dead.

Rescued and repotted!
Rescued and repotted!
Tiny new leaves on the Bonsai
Tiny new leaves on the Bonsai